Our Membership Dues are Changing

Dear Ones,

We are very excited about all of the updates and changes taking place at UUSCM. We know that this energy will lead to transformative change that allows us to serve you better. In December, a new fee structure for dues was placed before the community and was received with minimal objection. It was, therefore, passed by the board in accordance with our bylaws in April. The increase will start on May 1, in order to allow any current members and contacts of ours to renew now and save a few dollars.

And, yes, the change is only a few dollars but a little goes a long way when we do it together.

The new dues are as follows:

Instead of $75 for Regular Membership, it will now be  $75 to $125 on a sliding scale, because we trust that you are the best judge on what you an afford to pay. This change was made in light of the amount of consistent members who send a donation in addition to their membership every year. 

Hardship Membership is increasing from $37.50 to and  $40. You no longer need to submit any rationalizations with your hardship. A simple request will be honored (send to Min. Crystal Saiyge, our new executive administrator at uuscministry@gmail.com 

The Student Membership is increasing from $22.50 to $25. 

If you have recently retired, please also contact our administrator to opt into our free Lifetime Retired Membership, which will now auto-renew.

If you have any other questions about your membership or it's renewal, please contact our administrator with your unique circumstances as well. 

We thank you so much for your sharing your community ministries with us all and we look forward to continuing to serve you. 


Ben and Terra, Co- Presidents


The Unitarian Universalist Society for Community Ministries.


(C) UUSCM 2021
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