Before You Begin...

You will not be able to save the application form and come back to it, so make sure you have everything ready before you start completing the form.

You will be asked several short essay questions. You may wish to compose your answers ahead of time so you can simply copy-and-paste them into the form fields. The questions are:

Please provide an overview, including titles, of the required coursework and reading you completed (250 words max)

Personal Statement demonstrating grounding and knowledge in Unitarian Universalism (500 words max)

Please describe how your Unitarian Universalist identity/theology informs your ministry as a chaplain. You may include specific examples. 

Statement of progress and anticipated plan towards completing BCCi requirements (250 words max)

List of Required Coursework and Reading

You will be asked to upload several documents. You should have these prepared and ready to link from your computer. Be sure the documents are file type PDF, DOC or DOCX, or plain text. Please rename the files to include your first initial and last name on each document, for example, "m_smith_transcripts.pdf."  The documents are:

Sponsoring Congregational Letter of Affiliation and Covenant of Right Relationship

Copy of clinical contact/verbatim: Please submit a copy that you have reviewed with your CPE supervisor. This will be kept confidential.

Copy of Academic Transcript(s)

Resume (optional)

If you encounter problems uploading documents, contact the Administrator at Documents can be sent by email attachment if necessary.

Downloadable Template for Congregational Letter of Affirmation

Downloadable Template for Covenant of Right Relationship

At the end of the application you will be asked to choose a form of payment for the application fee. You do not need to actually pay as part of the application form. Submit your application and then send your payment.

You may send the application fee via the donation page on the UUSCM website, using UUSCM's payment system.

You may pay the application fee with PayPal, using the button here:

Please contact the Administrator at if you need a different payment method or assistance with the payment process.

Click here to fill out application form (Google Form)

The Unitarian Universalist Society for Community Ministries

(C) UUSCM 2021
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